A call girl or escort is a sex worker who (unlike a street walker) is not visible to the general public, nor does she usually work in an institution like a brothel, although she may be employed by an escort agency. The client must make an appointment, usually by calling a telephone number. Call girls often advertise their services in small ads in magazines and via the Internet, although an intermediary advertiser, such as an escort agency, may be involved in promoting more upmarket escorts, while some may be handled by a pimp. Pakistani Call girls may work either in-call, where the client comes to them, or out-call, where they go to the client.
We hear prostitutes in the Pakistan Rawalpindi and Islamabad charging minimum 10,000 Rupees. And from Lahore you can get a prostitute from “Heera mandi” by 1000 rupees or less than it depend on bargain (sometimes) at one point I felt very sorry for the prostitutes in Pakistan. It’s sad when I found out what happened to one young prostitutes girl, she was only 14 years old and was from Multan ruler areas, and her mom was forcing her to have sex with grown men and stuff like that and one of the man killed her after a week. We have been hear such kind of news many times from Pakistan. Similar stories also raising from Bangladesh and India. Poor people being intend to the sex only for money!
When I heard that I was really very interested to know about them and to find out why these innocent Paki girls want to do such kind of vulgar things.
I have read an article on a Pakistani online forum where a guy have wrote about his own experience with Pakistani prostitutes, and he have asked many questions to those girls, it was like interview of prostitutes girl and then he help her.
That guy have try to help one prostitute girl to get her back into her normal life and she did well. read below his own words,
This prostitute thanked me so much, I was feeling very, very sorry for her. So I sold a car that I bought just for cruising around and I sold it for 17 lak and I gave all the money to her. And, then I came back from Pakistan, and she promised to call me and not to do prostitution anymore. And every week (Sunday) she calls me or I call her, she is doing very good now, I send her money so she can do a English course in collage. And next year I am going to go see her, she wants to get married and have kids and have normal life.
I think everyone should do this, if you are belong to rich family then you should call a prostitute to your home (not for sex man!! 🙂 you can trust and help her to reform her life, think of it as if this was your sister, these women have no option. We should help them!