We often include applesauce in our treats as a healthy option. It is also luscious at the same time. Those who want their dogs to have a tasty yet healthy treat might think of including applesauce in their diet. But can dogs have applesauce?

Dogs can have plain applesauce that does not have any artificial sweeteners, sugar, or spices. Your vet may approve feeding this sauce to your canine friend if he is not allergic.

The good news is that applesauce is not only going to be a tasty treat for your dog but also provides health benefits to him. Alongside this, it is important to maintain safety concerns.

Can Dogs Have Applesauce?

Fortunately, dogs can also enjoy applesauce like us, but it needs to be unsweetened. Usually, the applesauce that we buy from the market has added sugar, spices, and artificial sweeteners. These can be toxic for dogs and mammals. So make sure you are serving plain applesauce to your dog that has only honey as a sweetener. It can be a good treat for them in moderate quantities and infrequently.

How Much Applesauce Can Dogs Have?

If your dog is not allergic to fruits and vegetables, you may serve him applesauce in a small quantity. For a small breed, one teaspoon of applesauce can be perfect. For a large breed, it should not be more than one tablespoon.

Can Dogs Have Applesauce

If your dog is allergic, don’t serve him even the slightest amount of applesauce. Or else, he can get rashes and feel irritated.

How To Prepare Applesauce For Dogs?

Market-based applesauce usually has sweeteners, which are not safe for dogs. If you want your furry friend to enjoy this sauce, you can make it yourself in the safest way.

Firstly, take an apple, peel it, and make small slices of it. Then blend them with half a cup of water and one tablespoon of honey. Now the apple has become puree-like sauce, and it is ready to serve to your paw friend.

How To Feed Applesauce To Dogs?

According to veterinarians, dogs should have 90% dog food and 10% of other healthy treats every day. Apple sauce is not a dog food, so you must include it in your dog’s 10% healthy treat.

Before you feed applesauce to your dog, you have to first know if he can cope with it or not. So try offering him a pea-sized amount of applesauce first. If he gulps it easily and doesn’t show any side effects, he can lick some more. Make sure you follow the right quantity to avoid any health risks.

Anyway, you can add applesauce to your dog’s biscuits as a topping or mix it with plain yoghurt.

Benefits Of Having Applesauce For Dogs

We know apples provide loads of nutrients, and applesauce is from apples. So it is inevitable to have health benefits from applesauce like we get from apples.

Since applesauce has antioxidant properties, your dog can get relief from free radical damage and cell oxidation. Besides, the apples in applesauce contain phosphorus and calcium, which can improve your dog’s teeth and bones. The low-calorie content of this sauce can also help with weight management.

Applesauce has a good amount of vitamin A and vitamin C that can improve your dog’s skin health, eye health, and bone health. Lastly, its dietary fibre will ensure good bowel movement in your canine friend.

Risks Of Having Applesauce For Dogs

Applesauce can pose some health problems in certain situations. For example, your dog ate plain applesauce in a large quantity. This can make him vomit and have improper bowel movements.

Can Dogs Have Applesauce

Another reason for having health problems with applesauce can be the added ingredients. Many apple sauces have sugar and artificial sweeteners. Sugar can promote obesity in your dog and damage teeth. Again, artificial sweeteners, like xylitol, are completely toxic for dogs and can cause hypoglycemia. Some applesauce even has spices, like cinnamon and ginger. They can be severely dangerous to a dog’s health.

When Can Dogs Have Applesauce?

As said earlier, an allergic dog can’t have applesauce. Besides, dogs who are suffering from other health issues can suffer more from having applesauce. So offer applesauce to your dog only if he is healthy enough to consume it.

Applesauce has a good amount of dietary fibre that can relieve constipation. If your dog can’t digest easily, you may serve him this sauce. But if he has a sensitive stomach or is going through diarrhoea, don’t offer him too much applesauce.

Frequently Asked Questions: Can Dogs Have Applesauce?

Can puppies have applesauce?

Like dogs, puppies can have applesauce that doesn’t have any sweeteners, spices, or sugar. Also, the amount should be very small, i.e., ⅙ of one teaspoon.

Can dogs have applesauce with cinnamon?

Plain applesauce is safe for dogs, but not cinnamon. Feeding applesauce with cinnamon won’t give them any health benefits, but there are lots of health risks.

Can dogs eat applesauce with bananas?

Both bananas and applesauce are safe for dogs to eat in small quantities. In fact, they will offer vitamin A, vitamin C, and potassium to your dog. In turn, this mixture can improve a dog’s overall health.

Can dogs have honey?

Honey is a safe sweetener for dogs. It provides healthy fats and fibre. You can add a small amount of honey to the applesauce that you are preparing for your dog.

Final Thoughts

Since applesauce can have some side effects, you still may wonder, Can dogs have applesauce? The answer is yes if it does not have any toxic ingredients. In short, a dog that is not allergic can have plain applesauce.

If your dog ever eats more applesauce than needed, he may feel weak and vomit. The symptoms could be the same if he eats applesauce that has toxic ingredients. In such cases, you need to be in contact with his vet and opt for treatments. Also, let him rest and don’t offer any food for a few hours.