For a fat-free, gluten-free, and sodium-free diet, we often include healthy fruits in our diets, like grapefruit. Our canine friends sometimes try to mimic us and beg to have some from our plate. But can dogs have grapefruit?
Dogs can eat grapefruit as long as they have its flesh only in small quantities. The seeds, rinds, and pith of its pith contain toxic elements that can pose health threats to dogs. Again, eating too much of the grapefruit’s flesh can result in grapefruit poisoning.
Well, grapefruits can offer more side effects to dogs than we think. This article will relate to this concept.
Can Dogs Have Grapefruit?
Grapefruit falls into the group of acidic fruits that are risky for dogs. In fact, most veterinarians restrict dogs from eating grapes and raisins. One of the reasons for this is their citrus nature. Meanwhile, a grapefruit also has this nature.
All parts of it, like its seeds, rinds, pith, etc., are unsafe for dogs. They have essential oils and other harmful elements that can take the lives of our paw friends. However, its flesh can be safe for dogs sometimes, but that is not a guarantee. Even if dogs can rarely escape the side effects of grapefruits, it is better not to serve them at all.
Why Can’t Dogs Have Grapefruit?
Grapefruits have a toxic compound called psoralen. This can be harmful and even life-threatening for dogs. Its pith, seeds, and rinds are more toxic than its flesh. They contain some essential oils that can irritate a dog’s gut.
This fruit is a citrus fruit, which can be poisonous for dogs in large quantities. Besides, high levels of citric acid can make a dog vomit and cause diarrhoea and abdominal pain. This can also lead to loss of coordination, seizures, and tremors.
One of the main nutrients in grapefruit is vitamin C. Dogs don’t need much vitamin C in their diet, as they can produce this nutrient naturally. Hence, eating too much grapefruit can disrupt their GI tract.
Many dogs go through grapefruit poisoning. The reason can be eating too much grapefruit flesh or consuming its rinds and seeds. In such cases, the symptoms would be weight loss, poor digestive system, photosensitivity, and improper kidney and liver function.
The rinds and seeds of grapefruit will not only cause toxicity to dogs but also pose choking hazards. In short, offering this fruit to our canine friends is like playing with fire.
Can Dogs Have Grapefruit Sometimes?
Well, a small amount of the grapefruit’s flesh may not pose any health threats to dogs. But they can’t eat its rind, seeds, or peel. They can be toxic to dogs, even in small amounts.
Since grapefruits have a bitter and sour taste, most dogs like to avoid them. But if your dog is begging just for a bite, make sure you are following some cautions. Such as washing the fruit thoroughly and then removing its rinds, peel, and seeds.
It would be better if small breeds like Yorkies and Pugs avoided grapefruit completely. They don’t have as much digestive power as an adult dog.
Are There Any Benefits Of Grapefruits For Dogs?
As said earlier, grapefruit flesh in small quantities won’t do any harm to dogs, especially large breeds. For vitamin C and antioxidants, we humans rely on citrus fruits, like grapefruit. These nutrients can be somewhat beneficial for dogs.
For example, vitamin C helps in dealing with skin issues and boosts the immune system. On the other hand, its antioxidant properties will protect your dog from damage from free radicals. Besides, its small amounts of vitamin B6, magnesium, calcium, and fibre can offer health benefits to dogs. Such as promoting skin health, brain health, muscle health, bone health, etc. Meanwhile, the fibre content can aid dogs’ digestive systems.
Along with health benefits, grapefruits can serve us externally. For instance, grapefruit seeds have antiseptic properties that can come in handy for medicinal purposes. You may try making an extract from these seeds, making a paste of them by diluting them with water and applying it to your dog’s affected areas. Some dog owners use this simple treatment to protect their dogs’ coats from parasites.
Frequently Asked Questions: Can Dogs Have Grapefruit?
Do dogs like grapefruit?
Dogs don’t admire the taste of grapefruits, as they are bitter and sour. That’s why some dogs split away the grapefruit’s flesh after taking it in their mouth.
Can grapefruit kill dogs?
Eating small amounts of grapefruit’s flesh won’t kill a dog. But if he takes it too much, along with its seeds, rinds, and pith, he can have grapefruit poisoning, which can result in death.
Can dogs eat grapefruit seed extract?
Sometimes, small amounts of grapefruit seed extract can offer health benefits to dogs. This can cause a dog’s upset stomach, allergies, and many other diseases. It would be better if you added this extract to dog food or with other fruits.
Are citrus fruits safe for dogs?
Citrus fruits can be safe for dogs when they eat the flesh only and avoid seeds, rinds, and peels. Also, the amount of consumption should be low, as dogs can’t withstand too much acidic fruit.
Final Thoughts
After learning about so many hazards from grapefruit, we may still think, Can dogs have grapefruit? The answer is not a clear yes or a clear no. If your dog is mature enough and doesn’t have any complications, a small amount of grapefruit flesh can be safe for him. But if he eats the seeds, peel, pith, or rind of the grapefruit, he can have many side effects. For puppies, grapefruit is a no-no.
If you want your dog to stay on the safe side, don’t let him eat grapefruit at all. Its acidic nature may pose health threats to them, even in small amounts. And if he ever eats it discreetly, look for his reactions and inform your vet immediately.